Organization and methods for official travel 公务旅行的安排和方法
The article give some opinions on the reform of college English teaching from the guiding ideology, teaching organization form and teaching methods. 本文从指导思想、教学组织形式、教学方法三个方面提出了改革大学英语教学的几点粗浅看法。
The first aspect is agricultural development to improve people's food with innovation in policy, system, organization, and methods. 一是大力兴农:以解决民食,并在政策、体制、组织、方法上多有创新;
The construction of harmonious and ecological Hainan requires innovations in terms of thinking, concepts, system, organization and methods, which needs the impetus from advanced culture. 和谐海南与生态海南的构建,必须做到思维、观念、体制、机制、组织和工作方法、方式的创新。
This paper introduces the features of multi-media information in digital library, and analyzes the organization modes and retrieval methods of multi-media information in digital library. 介绍了数字图书馆中多媒体信息的特点,分析了数字图书馆中多媒体信息的组织方式和检索方法。
This calls for skills and experience which may not be possessed by a company's own office management or organization and methods staff. 而公司办公室管理者或组织者和规划人员可能不具备这种能力和经验。
But network information organization has gone beyond the scope of management style of nontraditional network information resources already, so traditional documentation organization theories and methods are faced with challenges. 然而网络环境下的信息组织已经超出了传统的非网络信息资源管理方式的覆盖范围,传统的文献组织理论和方法面临着挑战。
The curricular standard is not reasonable. The reform of college sports and health education should focus on the reform of the teaching contents, teaching organization and testing methods so as to achieve the objectives. 推进高校体育与健康教育的课程改革,应抓好教学内容、教学组织形式与考核办法的改革,力争提高体育课程的整体效益,实现体育与健康教育的课程目标。
In order to catch up with the change of enterprise's operating and the development of human resources management function nowadays, the management of human resources have to be innovation in thoughts, organization and methods. 知识经济时代,要适应企业经营方式的转变和人力资源管理职能的拓展,人力资源管理必须进行思想、组织、方法、手段的创新。
Organization and retrieval methods of data set for combination samples 组合样数据库的组织及数据检索方法
The main content of the digital management is transforming the source organization to the management organization and creating new management theories, organization and methods. 高校人事工作数字化管理,在于转换资源型组织方式为管理型组织成长方式.并进行管理理念、管理组织和管理手段的创新。
The result shows that the humane sports course system in the institutes of higher learning lays stress on the humane sports connotation in the aspects of course offerings teaching material construction, course contents, teaching organization and methods, etc. 普通高校人文体育课程体系在课程设置、教材建设、教学内容、教学组织与方法等方面都突出了人文体育内涵,体现了教育的人文化。
Research on Organization and Methods of Child Wushu Education 对幼儿武术教学组织和教法运用的研究
It is necessary to reform the basketball optional classes in the teaching organization and methods so as to meet the ends of basketball teaching and quality education. 改革篮球选项课教学的组织和教法,既是篮球教学本身的需要,也为素质教育所必需。
Methods of putting psychological induction into P.E. ( include) psychological induction according to the teaching objectives, individual differences, teaching organization and teaching methods. 从学生的实际出发,把心理诱导渗透到教学中的方式有:根据教学目标实施心理诱导,根据对象差异进行心理诱导,教学组织中的心理诱导,课堂教学要讲究教学方法。
The scientific and ideological connotations in the teaching material, specific teaching organization and teaching methods, and students 'extracurricular activities are all of cultural significance. 教学内容的科学性和思想性,一定的教学组织形式和教学方法,学生的课外活动都具有教育作用。
In theory, this paper analyzed the influencing factor of organizing enterprise norm, organization principal and organization methods, Pareto principle was applied to the organization principal of enterprise norm. 理论方面,系统地分析了编制企业定额的影响因素、编制原则和编制方法,提出了将帕雷托法则应用于企业定额编制的原则。
The virtual scenario organization and optimizing methods are researched for the virtual maintenance scenario after analyzing its characteristics. 分析了虚拟维修场景的特点,并针对其特点研究了场景组织和优化方法。
Pool allocation model is proposed based on main-memory database ( MMDB) organization and management methods, and use design patterns to optimize it. 提出一种基于池分配模式的内存数据库(MMDB)组织管理方法,并用设计模式对其进行优化。
Basic spatial data integration in the earthquake disaster integration, disaster-related information data organization and methods of the spatial location in the disaster spot are built. 建立了实时灾情集成中基础空间数据的集成、灾情相关信息数据的组织以及实时灾情空间定位的方法。
We studied the organization and research methods about component library, and applied them into a B2B bargain platform. 研究了构件库的组织与检索技术,并在一个B2B的电子交易平台项目中得到应用。
From information disclosure and public content, organization, procedures and methods were improved in four areas. 6. 从信息披露和公开的内容、机构、程序和方式四个方面进行完善。
Also, the organization and management methods of spatial database and attribute database are discussed, and the main data structure has been showed. 讨论了系统空间数据和属性数据的组织与管理方法,给出了系统主要数据结构。
How to realize the change of production organization and management methods, when the planned economic system changes to socialist market economic system. How to play the role of political nature of State-owned enterprises is a major problem before us. 如何更好更快地实现由单纯计划经济体制到社会主义市场经济体制下生产组织和管理方式的转变,以及如何更好地发挥国企的政治功能,是摆在我们面前的一个重大课题。
Administrative organization absorbed and learned from the experience of organization and methods constantly to improve itself, which also makes administrative organization of the incentive mechanism has the potential to be learned. 行政组织正是在不断吸取和借鉴企业组织的经验和方法中不断改革,不断完善自身的,这也使得行政组织在激励机制上向企业组织借鉴具有可能性。
This paper is main researching Chongqing rural passenger operational organization, terminal building, and security management, Put forward the rural areas of Chongqing passenger transport forms of organization and management methods. 主要对重庆农村客运的运营组织、客运站建设、安全管理等方面进行深入系统研究,提出适合重庆农村地区的客运运输组织形式与管理方式。
By studying teachers, students, course materials, course organization and teaching methods, curriculum evaluation and curriculum research the status of the environmental factors I obtained high school sports and health courses currently in the implementation of process problems. 通过对烟台地区高中教师、学生、课程教材、课程组织与教法、课程评价以及课程的环境因素的现状研究,得出目前烟台地区高中体育与健康课程在实施过程当中存在的问题。
The information organization and storage methods are analyzed. 研究信息的组织和存储方法。
Combined with the practical situation of the disaster relief, this article research the information organization and management methods of the disaster, and gives the efficient program for disaster information organization and management. 结合灾情救援的实际情况,对于灾情信息的组织方式和管理方法做了比较深入的研究,并给出了一套比较行之有效并且高效的灾情信息组织和管理方案。
The creativity and the individuality are respected in the current society, the original teaching objectives, teaching organization and teaching methods receive enormous challenge, and even inadvertently become the shackles of personnel training. 创造力和个性为当前社会所推崇,原有的教学目标、教学组织形式以及教学方法受到极大的挑战,甚至无意间成为阻碍人才培养的桎梏。